
dont let anyone know, im actually alive...

welcome to my personal fuck around page where i can do n write whatever i want.


i do a bit of this and that. my main profession is repairing bicycles, on my free time i dj and produce electronic music under the pseudonym whokilledjmk and im also in a band called Mount Spegge where we do somekind of ambient indie-rock/shoegaze stuff. i also like to fuck around with different types of media.

and as you might have noticed, youre on ΓΆstersjΓΆpirat. its my baby, my passion project where i try to blend experimental forms of art with real-life underground culture. whit this platform we're also striving towards growing and keeping the underground scene alive. read more about it here

in the future, i would love to work with culture and it's impact on the youth and society. maybe do some journalism and travel around the world to take part of different subcultures and just meet interesting people, or start a creative school or smthn.

i think alot, mostly about the deeper aspects of everything, literally everything. i pay attention to a lot of details and the how's n why's of stuff.

my main interests are culture, music n arts, philosophy n psychology, humanism, society, nature etc etc. feel free to hit me up, i love deep conversations.

Sertralin1000mg - Hemma Igen

Instrumental made by me and 2 nice clips i found on da handycam when me and my friends was on our way 2 SnΓΆsΓ€tra

my secret house

Balcony my art n stuff scene gibb secret box of fucking skitz digged shit